Parish Human Services/Outreach Ministry


PARISH HUMAN SERVICES/OUTREACH MINISTRY at Saint Catherine of Sienna R.C. Church encompasses a variety of ways in reaching out to those in need, the marginalized and so many others through different programs and services available throughout the year.  In addition, this ministry provides information and guidance on issues of social justice guided by Catholic Teachings. 

Highlights of regular programs and services:

SCS Food Pantry provides non-perishable foods and daily living supplies to those in need.  Read More  

SCS Parish Human Services includes providing assistance, support and special services for individuals and families in need. Helps with referrals for special assistance.

'Respect for Life' Family focuses on our Catholic teachings related to the unborn, the chronically ill and dying, religious freedom and respect for all life.  Read More 

Special Needs, Gifts & Abilities Ministry reaches out to those with special needs, talents, gifts and abilities that may experience challenges for participation in parish life. "Evenings of Respite" are special nights that caretakers have some time for themselves and those with special needs spend time with trained volunteers and buddies participating in special activities.


Bereavement Ministry has two diffferent components. One due to the loss of a loved one which can be challenging and another for continued support. There are professionally facilitated group series helping people cope with their loss. 

And more . . .

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